
2020 Forschungs-Mittwoch Artistic Research in Music

Barbara Lüneburg, Professorin für künstlerische Forschung an der Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität Linz, stellt das künstlerisch-wissenschaftliche Doktoratsprogramm der ABPU vor, das sie leitet und an dem die HKB ab 2021 als Partnerinstitution teilnehmen wird. Aufgrund der aktuellen Quarantänebestimmungen wird die Präsentation online durchgeführt (neue Zeit: 17 Uhr) und muss das geplante Lecture recital von Barbara Lüneburg auf einen späteren Zeitpunkt verschoben werden.

Moderation: Martin Skamletz, Leiter Institut Interpretation


Worldmaking – Knowing through Performing
As a performing instrumentalist and artistic researcher, I have great interest in the nature of knowledge inherent in musical performance. In this talk, I therefore set out to explore the sources and kinds of knowledge performers produce, and investigate underlying methodological tools. I touch on different ways of representing and disseminating research results, and pose questions relating to the conditions pertinent to knowledge gain through performance. By doing so, I intend to establish consciousness and awareness of the core practice and potential of performers with regard to knowledge contribution for their own specific instrumental practice, particularly within the field of artistic research.

The lecture recital includes the following compositions:
Slices of Life – I am a Priest by Barbara Lüneburg and the Community of Transcoding
Toque a Echu y Ochosi for singing violinist by Louis Aguirre
Osculation – or what is a performer for? by Barbara Lüneburg


Barbara Lüneburg’s professional practices encompass performance, research, teaching and composition. Her artistic worlds are rooted in classical music and extend deeply into contemporary music and multimedia performance. Lüneburg has appeared as a soloist and composer across Europe, both Americas, Asia and New Zealand, and worked as artistic director and violinist of ensemble Intégrales, an ensemble for contemporary chamber music, for almost twenty years. Countless compositions were written for and in collaboration with her. Barbara Lüneburg has featured on many CDs documenting the versatility and highest standard of her performing abilities. Critics have described her playing as “viciously virtuosic, passionate, translucent, nuanced, expressive and gripping.” Her solo CD Beyond featuring works by Johann Sebastian Bach and Giacinto Scelsi was awarded five stars by BBC Music Magazine.
Her interests in artistic research are as diverse as her artistic work: she investigates creativity, collaboration, charisma, concert aura, participatory art and the effect of game elements in audiovisual works. From 2014 to 2018 she led the research project “TransCoding – From Highbrow Art to Participatory Culture”, as part of which she involved an online community in the creation of a multimedia work via social media. Lüneburg is professor of artistic research and head of the doctoral programs at Anton Bruckner Private University. |


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