
2023 «In hommage from the multitude» – Positionen nicht-äquidistanter Mikroton-Musik

The symposium “‘In homage from the multitude’ – Positions of Non-Equidistant Microtonal Music” marks the conclusion of the SNSF project of the same name, in the framework of which four dissertations researched a marginalised musical current of the twentieth century. ‘Non-equidistant microtonal music’ is a collective term that encompasses different positions and systems that start from the overtone spectrum and especially the micro intervals of higher overtones. Unlike equidistant microtonal systems, which divide the octave into equal tone steps (e.g. quarter tones) analogous to the equal tempered twelve-tone system, non-equidistant microtonal systems divide the octave into unequal intervals, which enormously increases the diversity of intervals, timbres and possible harmonies.

The initial hypothesis of the research project was that there would be diverse connections between positions relating to the overtone spectrum, especially since their representatives also taught their systems at universities. This hypothesis turned out to be wrong, because the studied positions of Ben Johnston, Harry Partch, Jean-Claude Risset, Mordecai Sandberg and Walter Smetak turned out to be independent ‘total systems’ that largely defy comparison. Even in terms of instrument construction, notation or aesthetics, little in common can be discerned. In the symposium, the results and findings of the research project will be critically discussed and reflected upon in an international context.

Program (pdf)


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