
J. Lipavsky: Sonate concertante G-Dur

Joseph Lipavsky
Sonate concertante in G major for flute and piano
hrsg. v. Martin Skamletz

Launton nr. Bicester 2016, Edition HH, Klavierauszug
ISBN 978-1-910359-36-5

The Sonate concertante in G major for flute and piano by Bohemian composer Joseph Lipavsky was published posthumously, as his ‘œuvre dernier’, in Vienna in 1810. The present edition is based on the printed copy in the Musikarchiv of the Stift Melk, Austria. The instrumental parts are of equal importance and moderate difficulty, and the work maintains an effective balance between melodic, virtuoso and slightly contrapuntal elements. This is a worthy addition to the Viennese classical flute repertoire.


Descriptive Leaflet


Schweizer Musikzeitung
«Die «Sonate concertante» in G-Dur für Hammerklavier und Traversflöte von Joseph Lipavsky erinnert an grosse Vorbilder, bringt aber durchaus eigene musikalische Ideen.» (Claudia Weissbarth)

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