
Giulia Brunello

Giulia Brunello
2001–2005. Bachelor’s degree in Language, History and Western Civilization, Università Ca’ Foscari, Venezia. Thesis about the Angolan writer Luandino Vieira and his literary work.
2005–2007. Post graduate degree in Text Editing, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal.
2009–2011. Master degree in European, American and Postcolonial Languages and Literatures, Università Ca’ Foscari, Venezia. Translation from Portuguese of Maria Lacerda de Moura’s historical work, a Brazilian anarchist militant who lived in São Paulo from 1887 to 1945.
2011–2016. PhD in Historical and Religious Studies, Università degli Studi di Padova and USP, Universidade de São Paulo. My research analysed forms of sociability in the Brazilian anarchist movement during the first three decades of the 20th Century, with a specific attention to cultural transfers and transnational circulation. Starting from the analysis of sources (plays, iconography, epistolary, autobiographies, novels, policy documents, theoretical texts, pamphlets and
photographic collections), my work concerns the social scene and the symbolic space around the theatre in urban areas, and pay particular attention to the ritual, symbolic and social aspects connected with social events and theatre performances.
During my PhD I made speeches here: National Conference “Centocinquant’anni di lotte per la libertà e l’uguaglianza per un bilancio storiografico sull'anarchismo italiano”, Biblioteca Panizzi and Berneri-Aurelio Chessa archive, Reggio Emilia, 10–11/05/2014; 45° ASPSH Conference (Association for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies), Modena, 26-29/06/2014; VII National Conference of Historia Cultural, Universidade de São Paulo (USP), 10–14/11/2014; VII SIS Conference (Società Italiana delle Storiche), Pisa, 2–4/02/2017.
2019. Tutor in Historical Writing, course for students of Bachelor’s degree, Ca’ Foscari University, Venezia.


Research project
Italian provincial theatre and the Risorgimento


Berner Fachhochschule
Hochschule der Künste Bern
Abteilung Forschung
Institut Interpretation
Fellerstrasse 11
CH-3027 Bern

Tel. +41 31 848 49 06

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